oh lord, i'm really not good under pressure. at least i know better for next term. if there is a next term. which there will be.
Yeah, that's about the state of my mind recently. I actually flaked out on a meeting I had yesterday. It totally slipped my mind and that's really not like me. I've been super organised this term and have juggled way too many balls and I suppose I should be happy this is the only one I dropped, but still.
But I'm learning things about myself. It's good stuff that will be useful, like I can't write under pressure. Which means I've already picked out all my essay topics for my courses next term so I can start them in January when things are light, rather than leaving the most weighty part of my grade up until the last night. It's just this critical theory paper that is flowing as well as a my toilet after several bean dinners. I've spent 2 weeks working on the damn thing and it still, well it sucks.
My directed reading prof and my queen Barb Churchill thinks I have so much trouble organising papers because all my ideas are of doctoral quality and I don't yet know how to express myself or do research in a doctoral way having just started my MA with a poor academic background. I'm going to choose to go with her explanation. I quite liked it.
I'm looking forward to Dec 16th when I will attend the all day showing of all three LOTR movies at a movie theatre in Vancouver. They are showing the special editions of 1 and 2 and then the third movie. It's going to be just what I need after having researched fantasy all term is just to sit down and enjoy a bit of it.
The next few days are stupidly busy as usual. Oh Kanga how I long for your domestic godessness. You are way too organised.
Christmas will be relaxing for the most part. But it's all a little tense as my grandmother in Costa Rica just got out of the hospital and my mom is over there taking care of her. She's still in really bad shape. Christmas without mom is not Christmas. She makes everything perfect. It makes me quite sad to think we won't be putting up our huge nativity scene together this year. We create a whole village, with an ice skating rink and a train track and mountains. Sigh. I did Christmas without my parents last year too and though K.Lo and P.Daddy (sorry Will) were nice enough to invite us over, I missed my parental unit. Very amusing actually considering I usually spend all my time fighting with them.
And yes I am complaining even though my poor ita is so sick. I'm a selfish girl, what can I say? Seriously though, I'd love to be there for her right now, but money is just too tight. A story of my amazing grandmother's life is forthcoming as soon as all this paperwork is out of the way.
Well, must get go get a plunger for this paper. Perhaps I'm feeling Highness trying to stop me from writing about Marxism and Neil Gaiman. That's it, it's all her fault :)