
Well I should be studying ...rather I should be napping so I can study effectively later on tonight. However, I am listening to the glorious Yonderboy (thank you Highness) and looking forward to going to see A Christmas Carol later on.

Last night the belly shook. It was so much fun! I have never been so nervous about anything in my life. I was shaking like a leaf, which might have actually helped my shimmies. My fan club seemed impressed by my little performance and for that I thank them. Kanga, like the good mom she is, took many pics and might put one of them up on her blog at some point. I extend the hand of gratitude for the support of my three lovelies: Duke, Pickle, and Kanga for being there for me last night. I had a total blast and want to start performing on a daily basis. It was quite a rush, however I'm not sure if my heart could take it as today I am literally exhausted.

Thankfully I was treated to a fabulous authentic Korean lunch today - one of my TEFL students and his roomate made me lunch today. Mmmm korean boys... :) But seriously folks, they treated me like a princess and the food was delicious.

The nervous energy backstage was really interesting. I've been in plays and such before, but I found this was a little different because for one thing, it was all girls (with the exception of Edmonton's sensational male belly dancer - he is mind bogglingly good) and for another it was all girls in really sexy outfits giggling about how fabulous they were. There were quite a number of Level 1's running around freaking out (but in a good way) and Anemone (the woman who runs the school) put a ton of wine backstage so girls were getting slightly tipsy and trying out moves in the change rooms. My group of girls was really great, and I'll miss them as I'm moving on to level 3 in January, but most of them will join me there in April I think.
As much fun as I had last night (nothing could have lessened the joy, I recommend belly dancing to all! It should be mandatory in schools or something) I did spend a minute, just before going on thinking "I can't believe Chelsea and Klara aren't here" I don't think I will ever stop associating the joy of belly dancing with you two wonderful girls. Taking classes with you two was honestly one of the healthiest and most fun things I've ever done. Love you both and good luck to Klara on her upcoming performance, I'll be with you in spirit hon.

Okay, I'm going to try and have a nap before we head off. The world is starting to look a little fuzzy, but still so very rose-coloured.


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