
Happy Birthday Kim!

hoo boy i think november is the month for just stressing out. i've calmed down a bit but the atmosphere is tight, everyone i know is focusing on how much they need to do and how impossible it is to get done. it will all get done people, i know it. i have become the optimist again and so if there is need for happy sunshine you may look to me for it once again. i'm still quite stressed about all of my various committees, papers, backstabbing ox twats, relationships, etc but hey i'm also thinking "hey, i have committees, papers, relationships to worry about. that's so wonderful" i got into a university MA programme (despite not looking so good on paper), i'm managing to be the most competent first year MA out there, my papers are all on subjects which are fascinating to me.

anyhoo, i'm sure most would like to choke me right about now. for those of you who feel i'm a little too cheerful, please know i will be flipping out again sometime in the near future i'm sure.

however, part of the reason i'm so gosh darned happy today is that pickle took me to see Ronnie Burkett's Provenance last night. it was, by far and hands down, the most beautiful thing I've ever seen. at the end i just couldn't stop crying, such was my disbelief at seeing beauty incarnate and only having to pay $25 for it. fuck the plastic bag blowing in the wind people - this is the shit!

please people, i hate to sound like a thinner Ebert here, but if you go to see only one thing this year, go to this.
Vancouver: Vancouver East Cultural Centre - Dec 4-Dec 21 2003
Toronto: CanStage - Jan 25-March 6 2004
London: BITE:04 - April 30-May15
Manchester: queerupnorth - May 20-May26
Vienna: Wiener Festwochen - June 2 -June 6.

those of you in Europe, it's worth the trip to another city to see this. trust me. it is to laugh that the czechs think they have they are the master puppeteers. no way man, this canadian dude has everyone totally beat. oh, and just because it's puppets don't think it is for the kids. leave the youngins behind for this one. well, unless you wanna have a lot of 'splaining to do.
the puppet man


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