
Hey Lois...Diarrhea!

I love the snow! I'm sorry but I love it. I love this temperature too, I'm sure I'll be complaining along with everyone else when it hits -20/-30/-40 (ahh the windchill how I've missed you), but this -10 stuff is just super. Makes one feel alive!

The snow has perked up an otherwise disastrous week: exploding salad in backpack, accidentally tipping delicious veggie burger into school toilet, losing much money in a faulty vending machine, spilling of much orange juice, total lack of sleep, falling down in belly dancing (am okay though, just a small fumble and I was back up again keeping time) and just generally being a total dorkus. I've started laughing about it now. Laughing to yourself is always a good way to make friends, yesterday had a nice discussion on bus with slightly deranged but nice man about how imaginary friends always tell the best jokes.

But the week seems to be looking up. If I can get the rough copy of a proposal done tomorrow then I'll be feeling grand. Maybe the knot in my stomach will actually start to losen and I'll be able to pinch off a good steamy brown one.

You have no idea how hard I'm laughing right now. Sorry folks, I need the poo talk right now.
Okay I believe I have composed myself now - oops no, still laughing. Imaginary friends really do tell the best jokes.

Oh my god, I'm so sorry. I need some sleep. Was going to do some more work, but I'm scared as to what kind of baroque verbiage will stream forth - hey if Rabelais can do it, why can't I? hmm maybe because am not witty, highly educated frenchman constantly surrounded by cronies who laugh at everything I say.

Am glad that this what I hope to be temporary loss of my mental faculties has been documented on my blog. I'll try not to do it again, though I must say it's been fun. I'm sure I'll wake up tomorrow morning and wonder what the hell I found so funny about it all, but for now I'm still content in my blissful insanity.

Regularity to all and to all a good night.


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