
well well well, it looks like people do care about this topic after all.

Sorry just that Pickle, Duke, and Asylus just kept asking "why do you care about this? you're the only one who cares about this" and I really can't stand it when people imply that my passions aren't worth being passionate about.
People do and should care about this issue. The decision to alter genetalia is a pretty fucking huge one and I honestly can't understand how people could not view it as such. To me that just indicates how society has totally blinded people to the issue at hand, and blindness is bad. No matter what your opinion is, you should definetly have one about removing parts of your bits!

Now, please feel free to comment all you'd like on these blogs. I'm going to be crazily busy this week so this will be up for a while.

Thank you all for speaking your minds - I really appreciated the dialogue that was had here.


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