
"I've learned that no matter how much I care, some people are just jackasses."

I wasn't going to blog this morning, but then just got slammed with too many things I wanted to say!

Regarding the whole "people are mean" situation that both Reilly and Kanga have talked about: I too feel your pain. I am always really nice, if not an outright sweetheart to those in the service industry. Which is why when one of them takes out their agression on me I get angry. Very very angry. There's a man in Czech still waiting for the payment on the bellydancing pants his wife made for me and another man (my landlord who was witness to my duking it out with bdpants man) who is probably still a little afraid of me. But I've learned that the best way to deal with this is not to freak out (though sometimes it is the only recourse) but to turn and be nice to the next person you see. Watch how their face brightens and how much they appreciate it and somehow your faith in humanity will return. I've found even just mustering a smile for the elderly lady who walks past can totally turn both your days around.

That and of course venting about the peice of shit who wronged you to every person you see is good for the soul. Not to mention going to the gym and releasing some agression on the unsuspecting stairmaster.

But just feel glad that you are all living in Edmonton. Trust me when I say I've lived elsewhere and I can truly say Albertans are the friendliest bunch of people you'll ever meet. BC just doesn't compare and don't even think about Europe. Except the Scots and the ass-pinching Italians. Australia might be okay, but I've never been there so I can't say for sure.

On to topic 2: Bladder or Urinary Tract Infections (this is for the Brits as they apparently get what only cats get in North America)
CRANBERRY!!!! If you take mega dosses of cranberry pills when you start feeling a bladder infection coming on, then it will go away. I guarantee it. If you have already started pissing blood then go see a doctor, but before that point take the cranberry. Drinking the cranberry juice is also good. It has been my life saver over the past few years. Miss. K.Lo I know they sell the cranberry pills at the Kotva pharmacy. And for prevention: always pee after sex and wipe your pussy from front to back, not the other way around.

And from that to my last happy topic:
These two lovebirds are tying that proverbial knot. I'm so happy for them. They've been together for an eon and man, she's put up with a lot of bullshit from the Chadboy (chadboys chadboys, whatchya gonna do...whatchya goona do when they come for you) but I guess she thinks he's worth it :)
I honestly couldn't be more gleeful.

It even negates the fact that today's poo status is only so-so.


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