
Though I regret not having been a part of the drunken festivities of Asylus' birthday, I thoroughly enjoyed a weekend of loving festivities.

Corrine and Mike Wilson. Just really can't get used to Corrine not being a Gruber anymore. Who would want to give up having the same last name as the bad guy from Die Hard? But I guess it was her choice to make.

All kidding aside, the wedding was beautiful. And it went off without a hitch, something I've never seen before and which might have had something to do with the anal organisation of the bride and the fact the the maid of honour is an events coordinator. The ceremony was lovely and lead by a german pastor who sounded suspiciously like Arnie and even said stuff like "so lets have a hot kiss from the couple to cool us all down." Mike's vows, which he had been worried about for over two months, were so sweetly delivered that I totally lost it. The reception was a blast and Corr's sister Monica made a poetic speech the wrenched the hearts of all who attended. But the best thing about this marriage was the fact that I know it will survive. These two have not always been the perfect couple, but they know how to work out those imperfections better than anyone else I know. I don't think there's anything that could tear them apart because they know how to be there for eachother. Corr and Mike, I love you both and thanks for letting me be a part of your wedding.

On to my favourite topic: sex. Miss K. Lo's blog links you to this article http://www.guardian.co.uk/women/story/0,3604,1037335,00.html which I found highly disturbing. I have long thought of going into the sex education industry and this article has motivated me. I need to get out there and deliver my message. We need to encourage kids to look at what they're ready for, what they want to do sexually and make their own personal choices. We need to teach them that their choices are worth respecting -they should respect and believe in those choices and others should do the same. It's not about who you have sex with or how or when, it's about being comfortable with the sex life you do have because you're getting what you want. That way people can start to see sex as it really is: an expression of love, beauty, fun and freedom. Abstinence is lovely if that's what you decide, but so is experimentation - as long as you're the one making your own choices about either one. It's also about trying new things and knowing what's out there so you can make informed decisions about what you want to try. It's about openness people! Pushing the whole "abstinence for everyone" is just crazy because sex is a personal choice. And the abstinence movement also condemns the condom and says oral sex is a sin. Hold on just a fucking second here folks! The researcher said that most of the kids who say they will be abstinent end up having sex anyway, but they don't use condoms - so all this abstinence movement is doing is making high schools STD heaven. Why can't they preach the abstinence without bashing the condom? And ohmigod, teaching people that oral sex is a sin???? Okay, that's not going to go down so well when Susie Homemaker gets married and finds out all her friends' husbands do the KingCobraLingus except hers!

Where does this extremism come from? Sex and all it's forms (except with kiddies or animals) is beautiful, why are there so many people out there who think it's ugly? The US is losing it. I can just see where this is leading to: gov't says it's illegal to have sex before marriage and if they don't allows homosexuals to marry then they just can't get any. Not to mention all the doubling the amount of frigid women out there who don't know they can make their own choices about sex and gain empowerment from it. And I'm not talking about the false empowerment some women get from trying to act like men during sex. Or the empowerment they get from withholding it.

I've got the stomach flu today so I can't express myself as well as I'd like to about this. But you all know what I'm getting at.

Despite the cramping, I'm quite glad to have the excuse to be a little lazy tonight. I haven't taken the time to just sit and not think about stress related things for awhile. I've got to read about 200 pages tonight, but I'm content to have spent the earlier part of my evening watching Family Guy and making myself a fabulous dinner (which I quickly got rid of from both ends, but which was good while it lasted - oh sorry was this what Asylus was talking about when he was asking about how much to share on blogs?).

I must go now so that I may keep my blog shorter then Reilly's. So nice to have another long-winded person around :)


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