
I have a good deal of newsworthy info today so be excited. Your drab little Tuesday is about to get better. Yes, I know it's Friday but most of you use my blog to escape the drudgeries of work so I know this'll be the "Tuesday morning I can't believe how bad my hair looks sweet god I need a coffee" read.

Well first off, the good stuff. I watched Max at Scotty's house last night. This sentence amuses me no end as it some could take it to mean I went over to Kanga's ex-fiance's house to watch her ex-husband. Hehehhe.

Sorry, guess you had to be there.

While Scotty is Kanga's ex-fiance, we watched the movie Max, not the person Max. It stars John Cusack. Brilliant movie, Cusack is positively poignant. And it's not afraid of silence, which is excellent, though I think the noisy parts (ie:the script) could have used some work. But the best part of it was that I watched the movie at Scotty's place. Who is Scotty? He's a new friend. Yup, that's right I made a friend. Well, he was actually introduced to me by Kanga so it's not like I met him on the street or anything but I called someone new and he agreed to let me hang out with him and tadah! I have my first new friend who I can call up and go out with. And he's pretty cool too. The number has grown from 2 to 3! I'm on my way here people!

Actually he's a total sweetheart. He bought some salt n vinegar chips for me even though he hates them and then he wrapped the leftovers all up with a twist tie so they wouldn't spill on the walk home. And he walked me home. I love it when people spoil me.

On to not so good news. The fabulous school I was working for has been bought out by a couple of arseholes. I need the job, so I'm putting up with them for now but it sucks as the previous manager rocked. Anyway, it doesn't seem like they're going to be making any bad changes, it's just that they really need to take a course in "people skills". Some people are just so clueless about how to get along with and deal with other human beings. Really, there should be some sort of program to help the socially unskilled - the woman has already yelled at one of the students and the 2 full time teachers quit they're jobs today. Yeesh. But I'm hanging in there. I just feel bad cuz these kids are so vulnerable here in Canada and they really need the support of the school they're in, and I just can't see these people providing any warmth or comfort at all. Like I said, I need the job in a desperate way, and the new people are actually increasing the wages (maybe these people aren't so bad after all...) but my big momma bear protective instinct has already begun to kick in so god help these two morons if they yell at any of my students.

Next week school starts. EEEEEEEeeeeee! I'm stoked, but I'll be working a ton of hours for the school too as they lost 2 full time teachers. So I'm going to be a busy busy girl. I hate being a busy girl, it's not a good thing for me ...okay what do we all say at this point? that's right: SUCK IT UP TANIA!

Well, I guess I don't have that much news after all. Adam and I are off to some holdover shows from the fringe (my obsession continues!) and at some point this weekend I'll be calling Scotty in order to wrangle some more time at his apartment because he has the cutest cat. Could this new friend be any better? She's such a suck, I adore her. Not sure what else is up, but hopefully a little tanning will occur so I can appear goddess-like at Corr's wedding next week. After a week of full time school and close to full time work, I'll likely need all the help I can get in the appearance department.

I hope your long weekend is filled with pleasure. Let it remind you what life is supposed to feel like!


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