
"Don't tell the Grown-Ups ,(Alison Lurie) a collection of essays which pursued the thesis that most of the classic children's literature authors were people with lost childhoods. This meant, she claimed, that many children's books have an instrinsic subversive quality, as they tend to side with children against the mean, dull, platitudinous, money-grubbing, hypocritical adults"
- Michael Rosen of the Guardian

or maybe someone just wanted to tell the truth about how mean and money-grubbing adults are...

Well hello world!

Had a super day of teaching today where all but one of my students showed the vast improvements they've made under me. I got this one guy who was just terrible at the beginning. It's not that he can't understand English, but he just can't pronounce anything to save his life. His speech was unintelligable at the beginning of last week. This week, he's been crackin' jokes and everybody has been able to understand them - well it still takes a few tries but he's lept and he's bound. So proud of him. Actually, he's some big shot Korean stage designer so all his classmates think he's pretty cool.

See, there are rewards to work. Especially teaching, which I do love to do and which I think I'm pretty good at (despite of, or maybe because of, a very relaxed attitude about class conduct). You should all just be glad I got this teaching job. I mean, if I bitch this much about good jobs, just imagine my rants on retail.

I also got a letter from Miss K. Lo today which contained a totally cheesy pic of her, and a good cartoon, and a fab article about a Children's Lit pro which she lovingly cut out of a newspaper for me. What a doll.

And, let everyone rejoice! My Pickle put a comments section on my blog (and he changed the colours around all pretty and stuff) and even though the comments stuff will not always work (something weird about their website) I invite you all to comment your little hearts out. Please.

But probably the best news of the week is that I finally got used to having Adam around again. This weekend I realized that the crabbiness on my part was getting out of hand. Most of the time, this happens because I'm not getting enough time on my own so my first instinct this weekend was to bolt. However, for some odd reason my brain decided to work outside the box and realize that I just wasn't connecting to Adam because I haven't been spending enough time with him. Weird huh? So as much as I wanted to just kick him out of the apartment and do my shit, I decided we would spend the whole weekend together. The. Whole. Weekend. (insert scary music here)

The first day, I'll admit was a little tense. I was still pretty damn cranky. But Sunday we bonded at the mall. And yes, that would be the world's largest mall West Edmonton Mall. I'm not particularly proud to be living the city of that holds that Guiness Record, but it's not a bad place to go to wander and hang out. We saw Finding Nemo which was very cute, but also totally action packed. I was sorry I didn't bring my heart meds. Then we paid the big bucks and went to see Matrix: Reloaded on the Imax screen - best way to see that movie. Plus that movie can always bear seeing again so my little brain can comprehend more. And it encourages me to swear in French. So after all this bonding, I'm finally feeling well... bonded. All fuzzy and warm. Eeeeeeee. Like right now as I type, Pickle is practicing guitar (which he just decided to learn) and strumming chords repeatedly and instead of wanting to rip all his fingers off and feed them to him, I just think it's cute. Does bonding make me pathetically cheesy? Maybe. Does it make me less homicidal? Definetely.

So perhaps I was getting a little too judgemental about couples spending too much time together. I guess sometimes you just need to do it.

Blood sugar getting low. Need nourishment. Will go find tiny defenseless animal to mutilate and bbq.

Je te pis au cul


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