
"We can't all do great things. But we can all do small things with great love"
-mother teresa

Well, I'll tell ya it's taking all the love I have not to rip the heads off every person working for shipping or courier services (except Canada Post, they have not not wronged me. Yet) But things are coming together.

Heard that Hussein's sons were killed (or killed themselves) the other day. Can't believe how happy the US is about this. I mean, these two were men who were fighting for their father's cause, which is more than anyone can say about the sons and daughters of US gov't. I've never seen any difference between Hussein and Bush (except in their PR) - like Bush says Hussein is a man who has nuclear weapons and is not afraid to use them - uh excuse me but who is the pot calling the kettle black here? And no one thinks about how similar these two people are and how one has to lose his sons and the other puts nothing on the line. In fact, the whole US gov't puts nothing on the line (except the 1 senator whose son is in the army) for their cause. I don't like either gov't, but the joy expressed by US forces about the loss of the two people just seems so hypocritical coming from a gov't who has never risked putting anything they loved on the line for their beliefs.

Anyway, I know nothing about politics this is just my initial reaction.

As a plus to my day, I got to talk to my Pickle last night. And he's so excited about the improv stuff, it's wonderful to see him like this! And he proved how good he is to me yet again by forgiving me for something bad I did. Actually, he didn't even seem upset about it even though it was pretty bad. He's too nice to me.

But despite my missing him, I still made up my list of 5 celebrities that I'm allowed to sleep with. Inspired by Highness's blog of course.
1. Peter Wingfield (nobody knows this guy, but he's my only true celebrity obsession. He used to be Methos on Highlander, the series)
2. Juliette Binoche
3. Drew Barrymore
4. Jason Lee
5. Alan Cummings (but he's quite possibly gay and in the case that he refuses to sleep with girls I'd like to put Janine Garofalo in his place)

I almost killed Adam's leg when we went to see Xmen 2 because my Peter Wingfield has a small role in it (he's the lieutenant, but he put on a hideous american accent instead of his natural dreamy welsh one) and Alan Cumming is also in it (though he also faked an accent over his dreamy scottish one, I'm so a British accent whore). I was in heaven. I've never seen a better movie.

Who almost made it onto my list? Jackie Chan, Luke Wilson (sooo yummy), John Goodman, J. Lo (sorry but she's sooo hot), Tim Roth and Julia Ormande. ANd inspired by the list, I went onto the net and got myself a lovely screen backdrop with Peter Wingfield on it. I'm now fully a geek, but whenever I see his little face and his great nose my spirits are lifted. Sigh. It's like he's living with me.

I desperately need some sleep right now. Got up way too early. Not good for slackers/skivers like me.

hugs and kisses to all of you


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