
Well, to the great joy of at least two of my friends, I've started to blog.

Due to my lack of ambition about all things computery, my website will look nowhere near as good as Chelsea's. But even if no one reads this, I think it'll be good for me to do a little writing that might possibly be read by someone. I've got way too many binders, diaries, notebooks, small bits of paper filled with writings that will never be read by another human soul. I figure blogging is a safe and fun way to get some stuff out there - though most of it will be fluff about my life.

Today was an excellent day. I woke up this morning at 7:45am to go to the farmer's market. Needs to be done otherwise there are so many people there that I start to get aggressive and shove old ladies, which doesn't really fit in with the hippy, peace-loving attitude there. Found some lovely things, got home and made a great breakfast which I ate while reading the GlobeandMail - did anyone else know that we will be bananaless in 10 years due to the fact that bananas have all been bred with no genetic differences and therefore cannot evolve different qualities to defend themselves against diseases? I'm deeply disturbed by this. These are great fruits and they were the sole tool involved in my teaching myself how to deep throat - I shall miss them dearly and I wonder how young, curious girls of the future will learn this technique.

I then listened to an absolutely fabulous speech by Arundhati Roy on the local university radio station called "On Imperial Democracy" in which she says "democracy is the free world's whore" because it can be dressed up, or dressed down, used, abused and basically made into whatever leaders want it to be. She made many other comments, aimed right up the US governments ass, in such a poignant and poetic way that no US politician I've ever seen would be able to possibly defend him/herself.

Now I'm just bored to death and hungry. But not hungry enough to do dishes just yet.

Edmonton has proven itself to be my home once again. I've gotten a job substituting and I may have a shot at teaching a first year university French class in Sept. My supervisor has also assigned me and one of her other students to start research on the World's First Anthology of Latin American Children's Literature. I almost peed myself as it would both blend in nicely with my research interests and get me published. I could kiss that woman, but I don't think she leans that way. Which is too bad as she's cute. On less academic subjects, but no less intellectually stimulating, my friend Kanga has returned to Edmonton to give me a semblance of a social life. She is fantastic, no other word for her. And her new boyfriend Duke is a total doll whom I fell in love with at first sight. All her friends are super friendly (have to keep reminding myself that I am in Alberta again, land of the happy, accepting people). The two of us are having a ball recounting to shocked faces the story of how we met as it goes along the lines "well, she was on a date with my boyfriend..."

Okay, I think that's as much info as anyone needs to have about me now. I shall leave off as I don't even know if this post is going to happen - this is all a bit too confusing for me.


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