
Dedicated to all PICKLES, especially those who get upon my garden wall.
- Beattrix Potter's dedication in The Tale of Tom Kitten

Well, my Pickle is back in town and I'm quite glad. It's been a little strange as I'd gotten used to having my own space and now it's being infringed upon. Infringed upon by good things (like sex, thank the dear lord) but still infringed upon. I'm an only child, what can I say? I like to do things when I want to do them, and get what I want when I want it. But I'm getting back into the swing of the whole compromise thing again and I could never really be upset about spending time with my little boy. He bought me a little present - it's a book called "Up Shit Creek: A collection of horrifyingly true wilderness toilet misadventures." He knows me so well. There's some pretty good poo talk in this book, but it's still pretty damn tame. Although I can see Her Highness vomitting over a couple of the "misadventures."

He has also been fixing all things computery for me, but you'll all still have to wait until the weekend for my comments section.

My first week of full time work in Edmonton has been pretty great. It's a sweet job and the way the set up the program makes for very little planning - so I'm only planning 10-20 minutes a day for 2 three-hour classes per day. My students are very nice, gotta love the dedication and politeness of those slant eyed people. Much more industrious than those lazy, rude europeans I've been teaching for the last 2 years.

Sometimes I wish I could get one of those desk jobs everyone I know seems to have. You know, where you have some moments of inactivity where you surf the internet? I've never had that kind of job, I always get the kind where you have to be "on" all the time. Mind you, I'd die sitting in front of a desk for 8 hours and we all know I lack any and all skills required to deal with paperwork so I guess I'm pretty lucky that I haven't gotten one of those desk jobs.

I went to my first Edmonton belly dancing class tonight. Interesting. No one in this town has been belly dancing as long as Rena (my previous teacher) and she was just so amazing. It's hard for me to think of the dancer I would have become under her instruction, and the dancer I will become with these other teachers and not get a tad disappointed.. The woman tonight was really nice, and it was totally not the hoochie fest I thought it would be (how do I spell relief? actually I usually spell it F.A.R.T but tonight that seems to be Adam's thing. Man, what does that boy eat?) and she is quite experienced but I could do a couple of the moves better than she could and I noticed she was not happy about that. Oh well, what I can I say? I rock!

I've been a little distressed about how little creative stuff I've managed to get done this week. It's not like I'm working a ton of hours (only 30 + planning) but between dinner and going to Kung Fu and Delly Bancing I get home at 10 and then ...well I go to bed cuz I like my sleep (and more importantly, my heart likes its sleep). Man, how do you people with real jobs manage to get anything creative done? Well, I guess the key there is to have a job where you do creative things.

Okay, must go. Need sleep. But I don't have to teach tomorrow morning because Joy of Joys, I'm having the first meeting with my co-authors (co-authors, I am a co-author!) about the Children's Lit. Anthology. Super stoked. I mean, it just means finding out how to work the database we've created and spending hours in front of a screen doing research, but still it's a start. A beginning. I love beginnings.


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