
Hello world! I've only got a few minutes for blog contemplation today but it's one glorious day.

Oh the Fu, how I love the Fu. I'd almost forgotten how joyous it is to spend 2 hours sweating your ass off and joking around with Fu-minded people. Some maybe be asking what it "fu minded" is, but it's tough to explain. Guys talking about different techniques and not being able to stop practicing moves even if they're just talking about clothes. A generous atmosphere of learning and teaching, where everyone realizes that each person has something to teach and something to learn. And lets not forget the sweaty toned men. Yes, we can't forget that.

God I need to get laid.

But the class was lovely, and even though it's cheaper to go to the Wing Chun at the Uni once summer is over, I may see if I can swing these classes simply because the classes are so small and it's a great group. I even got a ride home, right to my door last night from one of the students (I think the boy was flirting with me, but I was slightly delirious from all the cardio, so I could be wrong). And even though the style is not really popular, the few moves I learned felt more natural to me than the Wing Chun. And that's quite important because you shouldn't fight your instincts and if a style doesn't feel natural then it's really hard to use it outside of class. We shall see how I do in the next month. The classes at Uni are pretty huge - but they're 1/2 the price.

However, my financial situation is looking up as they had a TEFL teacher leave for 2 weeks vacation and so I get full time hours starting Monday. So woohoo! I will have a little bit of money coming in. Of course, I start the day after Adam gets back and then I finish during Fringe, which is when he'll be busy taking photos so as per usual, we will spend no time together.

Sometimes I think he plans it this way.... him and his connections with the universe. Kanga too! Where do I get these connections?? Or are short people just not good enough? Is that it? As Veronica Lodge would say "Hmph!"

And just a last comment. Despite the glorious day behind and ahead of me, I have a gripe. Honey whole wheat. Okay, if you're eating whole wheat to be healthy, or if you're eating it because eating white bread kills you (hypoglycemics and diabetics) the reason it's healthy is because it's a complex carbohydrate. It's a whole grain and therefore makes the body work harder to convert it into sugar. Simple carbohydrates (sugar, non whole grains) don't take any effort and just turn straight into sugar. So basically whole grains take more energy to convert and therefore don't add the pounds to your waist line and they give you more lasting energy, rather than a big spike followed by a come down (like loads of sugar gives you). Now when you put honey in the whole wheat you are defeating the purpose of eating the damn whole grain!!!! Honey is processed by the body in exactly the same way sugar is! But what do I see in all the bread aisles??? Honey whole wheat bagels, buns, loaves - you name it! Ach du lieber! Oh it pisses me off no end and I'm thinking about starting a petition.

Okay, that's me for the day. Love you all. Must run to U of A now.

Wish me luck tomorrow when I most likely won't be able to move from Kung Fu. Hopefully I'll be able to pull myself to the bathroom.


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