
Why I Like Men
by Edith Speers

mainly i like men because they're different
they're the opposite sex
no matter how much you pretend they're ordinary
human beings you don't really
believe it

they have a whole different language and geography
so they're almost as good
as a trip overseas when life gets dull
and you start looking
for a thrill

next i like men because they're all so different
one from the other
and unpredictable so you can never really know
what will happen from looks alone

like anyone else i have my own tast with regard
to size and shape and colour
but the kind of style that has nothing to do
with money can make you bet
on an outsider

lastly i guess i like men because they are the other
half of the human race
and you've got to start somewhere
learning to live and let live
with strangers

maybe it's because you if can leave your options open
ready to consider love
with such and out and out foreigner
it makes other people seem
so much easier

A good argument for heterosexual love if I've ever heard one, and there aren't too many of those to be found these days. Thankfully Adam and I are getting back on track after a period of mild disturbances. It's been nice getting that lovey feeling again. And to top it off I've got belly dancing tonight so the day just gets better. It's raining out, so my financial budget can go fuck itself, I'm taking a cab to bellydancing.

I've realized that with me and money, I have to learn from my dad. My dad is hyper concerned with money and never seems to have any. When I adopt his stressful attitude towards the green stuff, I seem to see it sifting through my fingers. When I just stop worrying so much, it always seems that the world gives me the money I need. It's odd, but I shouldn't kick my proverbial horse in the mouth by not having faith that it will drop the cash my way when it has always done its job before. I'm not sure exactly which one of my dead friends or relations has taken on this horse form, but whoever it is, I'm grateful as hell.

I've been getting comments on my blog! Please, let the comments flow forth. I don't care if you want to tell me about your recently passed kidney stone, just write something! May all my friends around the world join hands through the miracle of my blog. It's the internet buddy system! Brought to you by Tania*

In response to the alone-liness blog which so many of you responded to: I'm okay and am trying to be patient about it. I know I will be soon be so loaded with friends I'll be turning my ringer off to get away from all you fuckers. But it's just been a little bit of a shock coming from oh-so-supportive Prague to oh-so-isolating Edmonton. But I'd also like to state that alone time is so good and part of my complaint was about being seen as an oddity for enjoying time spent with oh-so-brilliant me. But as with all things, I'm up to the challenge. And holy fuck, who is more friendly/outgoing/gregarious than I? And who has been teaching all week with no possibility of swearing and is now releasing all the pent up cursing on this blog? fuckshitdamnandmypersonalfavouriteCUNT.

Oh, and I checked out the Trapped story referenced on yesterday's blog. Yup, got a little wet. I give it 4 Drips (must come up with some sort of pictorial icon for this. Can't be too crude, but must leave good mental image for all those reading. If anyone has any suggestions just get them onto the comments)

And to make my day even super happier, Miss K.Lo has returned from her vacation! So now I can talk to her everyday again, which I have missed doing far too much. She is never allowed to leave me again!

Enjoy your days.

*Tania is a trademark internet buddy system which cannot be replicated by anyone else as no one has such truly unique buddies as she!


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