
Well, since we all know we want to be just like Miranda I might as well start by copying her blog ideas :)

1. Is the name you have now the same name that's on your birth certificate? If not, what's changed?
Yup, tmg it was and shall ever remain. Of course my bc neglects the millions of other names I have, though I can only trace it back to about 10 more last names on my family tree. As well my millions of nicknames: Roo, Tanians, Wee Yin, Little One, Sausage, Chorizo, Hobbit, Hoover (you don't wanna know), Olive, Taly, T-spot, T-bone, and one thankfully short lived day of being known as "Taco"

2. If you could change your name (first, middle and/or last), what would it be?
Wouldn't change a thing. However, I do like Miranda's idea of changing both last names to something completely different upon marriage.

3. Why were you named what you were? (Is there a story behind it? Who specifically was responsible for naming you?)
Okay, this is kind of interesting. My parents wanted to name me a traditional italian name Gratiana. However, my mom went through a really difficult labour: 48 hours followed by an emergency c-section. She was totally drugged up when the little man came to ask for my name and she said "Tania" instead of Gratiana. My dad just assumed she had changed her mind at the last minute when he saw my name tag and decided to respect her wishes. Hence, I am Tania which gives me enough damn problems as everyone thinks it's spelled with a bloody "y" and a ridiculous amount of people pronounce it "tawnia" which pisses me off more than anything else in this world. I mean it people, don't call me "tawnia"

4. Are there any names you really hate or love? What are they and why?
I don't really like common names like Jennifer, Debbie etc. But my kids might kill me because for girls I like the names Amaranth and Liesl. Amaranth because it's an imaginary flower that is always in bloom and Liesl because it's the name of this character in Robertson Davies' Fifth Business who may or may not be Satan. Yeah, if I ever choose to pop one out they aren't going to be happy with me.

5. Is the analysis of your name at kabalarians.com accurate? How or how isn't it?

Your first name of Tania has given you a friendly, likeable nature, and you could excel in artistic, dramatic, and musical expression. With this name, you desire the finer things in life, but you do not always have the resolve and vitality to put forth the effort necessary to fulfil your desires. Your emotional feelings are easily aroused and you will always be involved in other people's problems as a result of your overly sympathetic nature. You have many disappointments because of extending a helping hand to others in need, and then not receiving any acknowledgement or reciprocation for your generosity. After each experience, you have to guard against feelings of despondency and self-pity. You have high goals and ideals, but must incorporate more practicality, system, and concentration in order to materialize them.

Yeah that about sums me up. But I'm getting much better about working hard and being practical. Okay not so much the working hard thing but being practical yes. I just got elected GSA rep for my grad council. Councils are not really so much fun but they look good on a resume and the people involved in these things are the ones most likely to get that oh-so-lovely grant money. Plus I'm volunteering for read-ins and mentorship programs too. And there better be no one out there be laughing at the my being a mentor dammit! I got stuff I can teach people. I haven't figured out quite what that stuff is, but I'm pretty sure I got it.

That along with belly dancing, working on the Anthology with my supervisor, and course work, and the job should be enough. I've decided that, sadly Kung Fu and volunteering for CJSR are out. It pains me deeply but I need to know my limitations. I need to excel grades-wise this term as I'm on probationary status right now so I gotta be practical.

In health, this name affects the nervous system and also the fluid functions, giving rise to kidney or bladder weaknesses

This was actually kind of creepy as I'm on anti-anxiety pills (not it's not just weed, though I'm thinking I might try to get a prescription for it) and I'm a sufferer of chronic bladder infections.

Okay must go do some of that hard work crap.