
Some people may wonder why I blog when I have nothing to say. Well, it's because this is really the closest thing to human contact I get outside of school. The workload is massive for a little ignorant one like me and I've been holed up reading and going to conferences and attending grad council meetings - I have no life outside of academia. Am I unhappy about this? No way, this is exactly what I wanted. The reason I'm putting so much work in is because I love what I'm doing. Woo Hoo!

However it ain't doing much for the ol' social life. But I'm doing a read-in at some elementary and junior high schools in October, maybe some little boys might want to hang out after...(queue in ominous laughter)

What have I been reading you may ask? Well okay so you didn't ask but it's all I've got to talk about. I'm doing a lecture on Aristophanes' Lysistrata which is a lovely, perverse play about how women try to end the Sparta Vs Athens war by witholding sex until the men agree to stop fighting. I'm thinking this play would adapt beautifully to be played for the modern US audience.

I'm also reading about Feminism for my Critical Theory class right now. It's interesting because when you try to simplify feminist theory, it just looks like it has some weak-ass arguments, but it's really quite a developed mode of theoretics. I mean, if we're going to accept that language shapes the way we interpret reality (and I think most of us do) then the fight to develope a neutral He/She thing actually starts to make some sense. I mean, I always thought all this fighting about neutral pronouns was really misguided energy - shouldn't we be fighting for equal pay here people? But it makes sense if you think that nothing is really going to change until we change the perception that reality is the male-dominated society which is represented by our use of language. However, this still isn't really the stuff of feminist theory that interests me, I like analysing older texts like fairy tales, which were really the tales of women and the first literature that women could clame superior authorship to but have been treated by most to be anti-feminist. If you read From the Beast to the Blonde, you'll see that fairy-tales are not as anti-feminist as you'd think. And if you're into feminist stuff, I'd highly recomment anything by Naomi Wolf, especially Promiscuities. She really knows what she's talking about and is not a Steinem figure pointing fingers at everyone in society and whinging about stuff (sorry Gloria, I know you did a lot to help women out, but you're just an irrational twit sometimes).

Okay, I gotta do more homework now. Then go to study group. The go to 3 hour theory lecture. Then read 3 more Greek plays.

I won't mention poo today for Chelsea's sake as I know she'll be reading cuz she's bored at work right now. But Chaddy emailed me such a great description of one of his poos that I might have to post it soon. And some of my friends have a website where they've posted pictures of some of their weirder looking poos - hey Reilly give you any ideas?


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