
Hello all. Just a quick blog here to express my sincerest wishes that Nigel return to his master. Nigel, if you're surfing the web looking for porn (and I know you are) hopefully the title of my blog will pop up on your google search and so I know you might be reading this. Go home! Luke misses you and I can't bear the idea of Luke without one of his pussies.

Also I realised that I have neglected to tell you all about how belly dancing is going. Well, it's going unbelievably well. The new teacher I have is this older lady who enjoys doing earthy bellydancing and she's just wonderful - much more of a taskmaster then Rena and not as sweet and well, still not even comparable. But she's very good and she seems to think I rock at this dance, she keeps pointing at me and telling everyone to watch how I do it which is embarrasing but I'm loving it! I'm in level two, which is just hard enough for me. I mean, some of the moves are repetitions, but some aren't and they start zils in this level (we started them yesterday) and in level 3 you're already supposed to be able to do some dance moves with them so I think I picked the right class. A lot of people take level 2 twice, I don't think I'll have to do that, but who knows, it might get a lot harder soon. Anyhoo, the studio is right across the street from my flat so basically I'm the happiest girl alive. This bloody dance has totally made life worth living, no matter how terrible I feel I always come out of those classes feeling as if the world is a beautiful place and I am one of the most beautiful things in it. We have a performance on Dec 6 I believe, so mark your calenders and come out to watch me shake my bootie. We're doing a veil dance, which I've never done before so it should be cool.

Oh, and I convinced Adam that the money I spent on my skirt in Prague was well worth it as the nice outfits here are about $750. Since I have two and I paid about $150 total, I think I got a pretty good deal over there in eastern Europe. Sorry, Central Europe.

I really have to go, but I've got a ton more to say so for those of you who look forward to my blog there should be lots of new stuff coming up. If I can ever find the time. Oi vei (does anyone know Yiddish?) Where did my bohemian lifestyle go?


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