
Flames Rule!

Hello everyone, I know I know I've been a bad blogger. I will try again and become the stable and reliable blogger of yore.

First off, I was reading Miranda's blog and found that she is trying to follow the hypoglycemic diet. I've been on it for a couple of years now because I am actually hypoglycemic but I've been really off of it because of all the travelling and pre-arranged meals and I feel like crap - not heartwise but healthwise. I'm tired, bloated and generally useless. If she still reads this blog, I'd like to recommend that the Farmer's Market has a stall that sells whole wheat sugarless cranberry muffins and they are fabulous.

Secondly, the trip to Hamilton was actually pretty good. I got to see Niagara Falls, which is truly a wonder of the world. I also got the see the city of Niagara which should really be called Little Las Vegas. I then went to see Chelsea and her lovely M and their great new car the Mattmobile. They were good hosts who gave me a great downtown tour of Toronto and introduced me to the joys of Wasabi Guacamole - yes folks you heard me right. It was so good to see them again.

Lastly, I went looking for people with recorder fetishes (the musical instrument) because of a joke with a friend of mine who believes he has chosen the most unsexy musical instruments to play: the recorder and the oboe. Yup, those ain't likely to get you laid however I felt sure that I could find someone out there in the www that would have a kink. I have not found anything as yet, but I did find the weirdest website I have found to date - if you want to be deeply disturbed and perhaps somewhat amused take a gander at this

On that note, I leave you to read some more (Garth Nix's trilogy - it's a page turner) and then go bellydancing and to meet up with my long lost friend Kanga.


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