
Canada rocks! Hockey is the greatest sport ever!

Since when is spring supposed to be busier than the rest of the school year? Last night was my first council meeting as VP - made an ass of myself but nothing new there, and people seem to realize that I'm not averse to joking around. Actually, on the whole it was a pretty painless meeting, especially considering how snarky the last ones have been. It even finished a whole 4 minutes before the 3 hour mark!

I seem to have done well again this term with regards to my grades, which makes absolutely no sense. I really don't think they grade grad students, it seems as though the departments just want to look good by having super achievers and will make you a super achiever on paper no matter how bad you are in reality. Anyhoo, I guess I shouldn't be complaining, but I'd like to know how I'm actually doing. If a prof could just say to me "I'm giving you an A, but really you're at about a B" it would be much appreciated. I'd just like to know where I should improve (and I do need to improve) and it's impossible to feel I need to put work into it when I get A's for really shitty papers.

And yes, talking about Spain would be more interesting, but I have already re-melded into the North American mindset of "work is everything." It was nice to be back with the Cherubs just to see that life is not only workable, but pleasant when one is not having anxiety attacks all the time. It was a lesson I needed to learn anew. So Wednesday, I promise, I will actually talk about Spain and show pics.

Thursday morning at 4:30am I head for Hamilton and return Sunday evening. I'll have time to myself for all of Thursday and some of Saturday night as well. I would like to head to Toronto on Sunday, is there a certain Highness who would have some time to spare for me or am I coming on too short notice? Kris, if you want to come down on Thursday for a bit, I would love to see you! I'm sure you can charm your significant other. Either that or perhaps Saturday night, but I don't think you want to spend your Saturday evening in Hamilton, I've heard it's a bit of a hole. Mind you, I shouldn't judge before having seen with me own eyes.

Damn, Pickle is getting up at 6:00am everyday for work, thus getting me up. I am zombie woman - how come the Eagles never sang about one of them?


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