
First of all, apologies to everyone (especially Kanga), for not being around at all. I've been sleeping. A lot.

After the week of hell was over, I thought I would just take a couple of days to recover, but in fact, other than going to places where I was paid to be, it took me about two weeks of sleeping at every opportunity to get back to normal. And now I'm on alergy meds which make me drowsy. Let me tell you, it seems really weird to be taking alergy meds when it's now snowing outside. On the upside, I'm now manically happy as I just got a lead role in a play I auditioned for. Good lord, I haven't seriously acted in a long time - though I thank Migrant Programmer for his lauding of my performance as the Sea Captain :)

I have decided to stop waking up to the CBC. I think it was having some bad effects. Let me explain. No, it's too complicated. Let me sum up. (love the Princess Bride). It is now spring time, and all the murderers and arsonists are coming out of their hiding places, stretching their arms out into the sunshine, and going on rampages through Edmonton (murder capital of Canada). All winter, not a crime to be heard of in the city and now I wake up every morning to bodies stuffed in trunks, people getting shot in the face, and numerous prostitutes being found mutilated in forrested areas. It's been at least one murder a week for the last four weeks. It's not really the way to welcome a spring morning, ya know?

I've often wondered if part of the reason Canada's crime rate is so much lower than that of the US is because it's too damn cold to commit murders for the better part of the year. Think about it, even if you kill someone from the warm comfort of your home, you still gotta drag your ass out in -30 to find some place to dump the body. And if you have to take the time to bury the body, we're talking some major time out in the snow. As soon as it warms up, we seem to be just as eager to start loading up shotguns.

Anyway, from now on my alarm radio is set for annoying morning rock djs with their horrendous sound effects - annoying enough to get me out of bed and yet not depressing so as to make me want to stay in bed.


I woke up this morning having dreamt that I was in a show with Wesley Snipes and he was hitting on me and very upset that I was turning him down. But then he started hitting on me in drag (like in the stupid movie To Wong Fu)and I was tempted. Woke up quite frightened as Snipes makes on ugly woman.

Have I been reading way too much slash of late? Is it confusing my dream states? Methinks so.

It's another one of those "I'm a talented wonder" weeks where I've got way too much shit on the go and am falling to peices exhausted every night. Which also might explain my dreamy desire for a mule faced man/woman wearing way too much lipstick.

Oh, and a little question, migrant programmer the email I have for you hasn't been working for awhile, care to enlighten me?