
I woke up this morning having dreamt that I was in a show with Wesley Snipes and he was hitting on me and very upset that I was turning him down. But then he started hitting on me in drag (like in the stupid movie To Wong Fu)and I was tempted. Woke up quite frightened as Snipes makes on ugly woman.

Have I been reading way too much slash of late? Is it confusing my dream states? Methinks so.

It's another one of those "I'm a talented wonder" weeks where I've got way too much shit on the go and am falling to peices exhausted every night. Which also might explain my dreamy desire for a mule faced man/woman wearing way too much lipstick.

Oh, and a little question, migrant programmer the email I have for you hasn't been working for awhile, care to enlighten me?


Blogger Migrant Programmer said...

Mmmz, perhaps you have an address of mystery.. I would suggest you drop my a line at jarnold@donkeyballs.cs.ualberta.ca, but without the ass testes ;)

You did a bang-up job at the show tonight!! The poor little parrot, it went through so much trouble.. but hung in there!

Also, since she's not blogging about it: everyone go see roo's show, 4 pm on Friday at Humanities lecture one! yes, that is an order.

12:52 a.m.  

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