
I've been trying to figure out what makes Sex and the City a bad show. Don't get me wrong, I like the show but for me it's a guilty pleasure like when I read an In Touch magazine or something. What I've been trying to figure out is why I even equate it with In Touch.

Sure, part of it is because I find the lifestyle and many of the values espoused on the show to be morally reprehensible - the materialism, the consumerism, the hypocrisy, the fact that these woman eat like pigs don't excercise and yet remain svelt as hell, and of course the sheer mental vapidity of the female characters - they don't like culture, they can't discuss anything but boys and the attempts they make at discussing other things like politics or the stock market are laughable. And I'm sorry but $500 is too much for a pair a shoes.

But many of these things are common to all television shows, and I generally find I am able to like people and television shows even when I disagree with their opinions. And hey, I like some issues they bring up like the fact that there should be "congratulations! you didn't marry the wrong guy" cards and more celebration of the single experience. And the fact that there are still guys out there that don't like being with a strong, successful woman especially if that woman is stronger and more successful than they are.

So what is it? The acting on the part of the main characters is pretty good, the plots are good (not too melodramatic), the script leaves a little to be desired but it's not bad either. So what the hell is it that leaves me feeling slightly stupid for liking it?

Well, it was actually Harry's character that brought me to the realization that it is the SJP voice overs that create the problem. The are completely overused, I find in one episode that maybe one or two of her comments are necessary and the rest are just crap and indicate laziness on the part of the show's creators.

The creators are often too lazy to create real transitions between scenes, so they just stick in SJP's voice with some inane pun - is "and from jewish to pooish" really an effective transition between scenes? Sometimes her voice comes in to explain what the characters are feeling at a given moment, which is also bad as it should be perfectly clear from watching the actor what they are feeling and just assumes that the audience is too stupid to catch on. And other times, the voice comes in for no reason at all and this is where Harry comes in because it was easy to see the many bad voice overs regarding judaism (these are not transitions, they are just there because, I don't know, someone thought they were funny)

Apparently, Charlotte had the zsa-zsa-jew
Charlotte was busy being Martha Jewart.
In high school, Charlotte doodled. With Harry, she jewdoodled.

I'm considering trying to get someone who is good at technomalogical stuff and seeing if they can take 80% of the voice overs out and see how much better the show becomes.

Thank you for listening to my little rant. I was a little ill over the last week and don't have a tv so got stuck watching a lot of downloaded SATC so I'm obsessing just a wee bit.

Next blog - the saga of my trip to Ft. Lauderdale.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

wait... you didn't like a poo joke? okay, the buying pink clothes thing i could deal with, but this? WHAT HAVE YOU DONE WITH TANIA?

K-Lo x

7:59 a.m.  

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