
I have had a make-up recommendation to make for quite some time, however I have refrained from doing so because, well this is Highness' area and I just don't feel qualified to really express an educated opinion.

However, as under-eye make-up is the only make-up I wear, I figured I would share the findings of my years of research into this topic.

If you are looking for an under-eye concealer, there is only one way to go: Yves St. Laurent Touche Eclat. Now one of my cherubs initially told me about this, and they have a cheaper version of this available at Boots over in the UK, but having no Boots I had to go for the real thing. When I went into the Holt Renfrew awhile back, being a cosmetically challenged girl, I thought the lady was kidding when she told me the price of the this little tube ($50). I started chuckling, but then in a very uncharacteristic move I bought it anyway. And it is lovely. I used it every day for six months before it got used up (and I'm saving my ass off to afford a new one!) and every day it was a joy to put it on.

There, in the last year and a half I've bought loads of pink clothing and I've taken the time to post a blog about cosmetics. What is the world coming to?


Blogger Her Highnessness said...

*sniff* My girl is all grown up now.

Honestly, finding an under-eye concealer that makes things look as they should is worth the price, many, many times over.

If you're looking for some fun above your eyes, have a look at the MAC paints. Bold, girly fun, kinda like you!

9:36 a.m.  

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