
Well everyone, it has happened. Someone I know got fired from his job because of his blog. This should serve as a warning to us all not to mention work by name in these things unless we're going to be very very flattering.
From what I've heard, someone in the wrong place found the poor bastard's blog, which was basically his venting spot for work-related angst, and the bosses read it and they fired him.

Now, forgetting that this is indeed the world wide web and that anyone can find you on here is a dumb thing to do. I'm not sure if he was using the company's name, but I think so. Of course, there might be some legal argument that blogs are intended as personal diaries and therefore his intent was not to publically slander the company, but I don't think that would matter much. If the dude didn't use the company's name and they just got offended 'cause they knew it was him and didn't like what he was saying, I'm thinking they have no justification for firing him. I mean, people bitch about their jobs all the time and if no public libel happened wherein he used the name of the company, I think he could fight this.

Nonetheless, just thought I'd put the warning out there: be careful kiddies, the Man is watching us.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

That's ass.. though if he published in the newspaper with his name and the company name, the same would happen. Sometimes people don't realize that posting something on the web is really publishing.

Of course, with you being a Public Figure you have to be careful too, what with curious people all around =)


9:35 a.m.  

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