
The Values Divide. This is what people are calling the big problem in the US election right now. For the last few weeks, because of the upcoming election and the earlier republican meeting, the CBC has been doing interviews with US voters. Now, I take these all with a grain of salt as the CBC is left-wing media and therefore usually slants right-wing politics to look a little hill-billy. However, it's looking like the Bush supporters are starting to win out and it's not because of Iraq or the economy, but because he represents an "absolute truth" values system. The people voting for Bush are those who believe abortion is wrong, homosexuality is wrong and that these and other value judgements are absolute truths. Then there is the rest of the US, who doesn't believe this.

There was a poet in Kansas who was being a touch melodramatic in saying she thought a another civil war was on its way. The people who can't stand Bush really can't stand him and can't live with these absolute truths. The Republican voters, well when you believe something is an absolute truth then it makes it a little difficult to live in a country without them. The thing is, I don't know that this particular hypothetical American civil war would end with victory on the left (unless we communist Canadians went down to kick some ass :). That was a scary thought to wake up with, let me tell you.

The whole thing made me realize how truly not good "absolute truths" are when governing a country. I have my own Truths, things I consider to be true for me, but to try and declare that these are Truths for everyone - hell, even to say that these Truths won't change for me - is impossible. Even if someone was saying "abortion is right all the time" that just wouldn't do for a country. Is it possible, that even though I've been begging for a politician with cojones, that these hanging glands come with an absolute truth values system? I hope not as I think that it's way more courageous to be flexible than to be rigid, however I think many have been looking for stronger leaders and Bush-like politicians give the appearance of strength because they don't waver in their opinions/decisions. I am scared that those politicians who are flexible still haven't found a way to spin "tolerance" in way that comes across as strong. They just seem more wishy-washy, less decisive. We need way better PR people for these politicians.

Anyway, it's early and as usual I have expressed myself poorly. If you want to hear more about the Values Divide, it'll be on the CBC One at 6:00pm tonight.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow, it's so green. The website I mean. But I guess the politics could be too. =)

Sky Captain is cool. It needed more Sky Captain in the sky fighting robots and shit, though. And less angst from Gwyneth. And no more stupid camera jokes (a friend of mine pointed out that the radiation in the uranium mine would have over-exposed all the film, anyway).


12:38 a.m.  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Baby itch. Severe. Letter to follow. Love you.
k the little chicken

3:15 a.m.  

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