
Well after a minor breakdown today, I feel like life is perhaps slightly more under control. It would appear that I have taken on a bit too much work and the answer, believe it or not, is to just lessen the workload. How many frikkin' meet&greet thingies does a girl really have to attend?

I went to the Youth Understanding Youth (YUY) Open House tonight and will be starting up the process to volunteer to be a facilitator there. I know I said I was going to do this in January, but life got weird. Yet, I still kept getting little reminders in my life that I should be doing this and so I finally got off my ass. It seems like such a great space and support just fills the air you breathe.

And yes, I know this is only adding more to my plate, but it's adding a good thing and not a stressy work-related thing. Too many work-related stresses this week, which were combined with not having time to eat well, which in turn caused the ol' ticker problem to flare up and just resulted in my having a little screaming fit at the poor cat. I have realized that perhaps one of the perks no one likes to talk about in having a partner in life is that there is someone to snap at and release small amounts of tension. As I don't want to traumatize the cat, perhaps I should take to snapping at my stuffed animals: you just sit around all day and do nothing while I work all day! look at you, when was the last time you even bathed? don't you give me that beady-eyed look mister!


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