
The Fringe is gone again. They started taking it apart quite early yesterday as no one was around due to the rain. Despite this year's Fringe being an odd one, not so many people and not as many stellar performances (though according to reviewers, not as much utter crap either), I still got addicted to the live theatre everyday thing. I for one am glad that they have holdover shows as this way I can wean myself off the constant theatre going rather than quitting cold turkey.

Cactus, Dear Penthouse and Little Room were my picks this year, though I'm not sure if they are going on to Vancouver or not - the Vancouver Fringe site is not up for this year yet.

I was really happy to be a part of the Fringe this year and Becca got some really nice reviews in the Journal - stating she, among only 3 others mentioned, was a new talent to watch. The balls to turn your own short stories into a one hour stage show staring only you - they must be dragging on the ground.

Guess it's time to go change my answering message - the Fringe is over. Sigh.


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