
I want to live in China just for the T-shirts. They apparently have ones with pictures of Bush with the words International Terrorist underneath. And one with pics of Osama and Bush and the caption The Twin Terrors. Why does no one have the balls here to do this? Apparently the stalls are selling out of the T-shirts in Taiwan. However, China is apparently struggling because Bush is better for opening up trade possibilities with them so he's better for their economy. Interesting since he's so shitty for US economy.

I haven't written for awhile as I didn't figure anyone wanted to hear about my vomitting. Friday I spent 9 hours marking reading journals for a class and I have to say it made me slightly question wanting to teach. I loved reading journals when I was in classes, I used them to pour out my soul about the texts and my profs always raved about my journals. I thought others might do the same, but I discovered not so much: it was neat, what a weird story, I liked it, it was neat it was neat it was neat. I marked 85 journals.


Then yesterday morning I had an awkward moment with the mom next door. I'm not one for caring about who is looking in my big window from the alley - I get dressed with the blinds open, I walk around naked, I pick my nose etc. But yesterday was kinda funny because I was just finishing getting dressed and hoping up a little as I did up my jeans and I look up and the mom next door is sitting in her car staring at me and it's obvious she's been watching me. She totally blushes but doesn't look away and we had this weird little moment of eye contact. It didn't make me uncomfortable, and I don't think she was shocked or angry or anything but she a wee bit embarrassed that she'd been caught peeping. Quite cute really (the moment, not the mom).


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