
How exactly can an experience be both amicable and the most painful thing that's ever happened to me? I had to make the hardest phone call of my life yesterday and break up with Pickle. How am I doing? Not well. Will I manage? Most likely. It's not what I wanted, but I'm a firm believer in "if you love someone, set them free." At least, that's what I keep telling myself.

Nuff said about that.

I got free tickets to a concert last night for a group called Besh o Drom. Had no idea what they were about, but turned out to be gypsy wedding music so I got to belly dance the night away, which was exactly what I needed. They were so fantastic, it reaffirmed my belief in a higher power that knows you can only take so much without having a little joy introduced into your life.

The rest of the weekend was pretty damn good too. Party on Friday, Turbo jiggling on Sat followed by an all-nighter birthday party at which I met a nice boy - however now that the pickle thing is actually over I don't think I'm ready to see people quite yet - still carrying around a box of kleenex so I don't think that makes me prime dating material. Still, something to think about for later...

I'm going to try and actually get some stuff done today. I'm going to re-start the Fu again tonight, so I'm hoping the painful muscles will be a distraction in the days to come.

Well, it's been blogged now so it must be official. Wish me luck.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

2005 caulfield cup

5:26 p.m.  

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