
The alarm went off and sleep slowly left me, I felt cat in my arms in front of me and parted my eye-lids to start the day and the first thing I see is my cat's big ol' brown eye right in my face. Even after all the drugs, alcohol, and weird encounters, and even after waking up in hallways, fields, and mice/cockroach infested rooms, I can truly say that this is the most disturbing way to wake up.


Moving right along, yesterday I went to dinner at Yianni's after belly dancing to watch one of the pros do a set there and hang out with some girls. It was the last class before Sept, and I know I'll start jonesing for the shimmy fairly soon. However I do perform twice next week (the Canada day parade and a restaurant gig) so I should be okay for the next couple of weeks. I plan to start the Fu again on Monday to make up for the belly shaking so expect to hear many complaints about how I cannot move due to sore muscles and bruised wrists. Whinging is my life.

This weekend is literally packed with social activities so I hopefully I should have much to recount that isn't a: boring as hell and b: having to do with my cat's anus.


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