
Cat status: better. I think she appreciated that though I'd had a long day and it was late, I still played with her for half an hour when I got home. We went to bed in a happy state of cuddliness.

Bingo was not as bad as I thought it would be, though my feet are aching from walking the bingo parlour selling different brands of bingo tickets for 5 hours. No one told me proper shoe attire was required. The people I was volunteering with were pretty great, we had a really good time and apparently only three of us managed to cash out with no imbalance (ah, the years of retail paying off). Other than the lady with the pictures of her grandkids all over, no one really creeped me out. Who am I to judge really, we all have our weird obsessions - I mean I've watched LOTR 1 and 2 over 40 times each. And I played d&d continuously for close to six years. And Magic the Gathering. I started to get into being a comic book geek but couldn't afford it. Damn constant lack of money, look at what it has prevented me from achieving!

Hmm, I never thought I'd watch any movie more than I watched The Goonies but apparently I was wrong. Funny how all three movies that I'm obsessed with star Sean Astin.

Okay, how 'bout I stop talking about what an obsessive geek I am? Yeah.


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