
I'd like to just rant a little about my supervisor. I'm going to speak for all her MA students as we've been ranting together often about this. She's the kind of woman who takes on too much and refuses to admit she can't handle it. She'll just keep taking shit on and disappointing people. She is otherwise an excellent person.
It's getting a little frustrating for me as it has taken 2 weeks just to arrange a meeting with her (and this is the only meeting I've had with her this year). And in fact it was supposed to occur last week but she FORGOT - leaving me waiting outside her office and she never showed. She has forgotten meetings with two other of her MA students, and though I keep giving her my schedule, she keeps trying to book the meetings at times when I've specifically said I can't make it.
Today, I'm missing a Bowering talk that was specifically for CompLit grads because today at 9:00am she emails me "Am changing our meeting to 11:00am see you then" when our meeting was supposed to be at 10:00. And since there are important things I need to dicuss with her, and I know it will take another fucking two weeks to get a new meeting, I'll sacrifice a little poetry, but we spent all this weekend emailing in order to see if we could schedule a time that would allow me to go to the fucking poetry reading, and then at the last minute she changes it so I can't go! This is ridiculous.
Does this sound like a person I can trust? Not really. Am I pmsing? Yes.


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