
Okay, am rather busy and hooked up to a stinkin' Holter monitor but I thought this was quite interesting. Apparently funding for closed captioning in America has gone way down and it has been decided that the deaf can only have access to puritan, non-fantasy, non-occult shows. Check out more info at Neil Gaiman's jounal site NeilI'm rather outraged about this.
As well, I would like to congratulate the mayor of San Francisco on his massive cojones. The marriages may be declared illegal, the city might get into a lot of trouble etc but I commend the man for doing something daring in politics. Plus, it is making so many people happy! I have long stated that since Trudeau, Canada has had completely ball-less politicians and it's nice to see someone taking a stand for his beliefs Do I enjoy the balsy moves simply because I agree with his beliefs. In part yes, but I also commend politicians for their balls even when I wholeheartedly disagree with their beliefs, I just don't commend other people when they vote for them.


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