
As the piercing of the tongue approaches, I'm finding myself a little impatient. Don't ask me why, at 27 I've gotten a hankering for a needle through the tongue, but I have.
Actually you can ask me why, and Kanga doesn't have to read any longer as I just explained this to her a few days ago. I always thought tattoos and piercings were rituals and so I wanted them, but at the same time never really had a ritual-worthy occasion. Yes, I occassionally do crazy, momentous things but that's just me - being myself is a wonderful thing but if I performed a ritual tat everytime I was myself well...I'd be covered by now and it would get a little tedious.
Getting good grades for the first time in my life is not me. Getting over 92% in all my classes has never happened, least of all when I'm pressured and studying shit I've never studied before in my life. This occassion deserves a comemorative tongue stud.
Also, I have seen the terrible ideal of the "grad student" presented before me and it's not an ideal I want to achieve. I want to remain myself and challenge the amount of personality allowed to be expressed in the workplace (not that I want profs coming in and whining about their divorce but I do think that we should all be allowed to, at the very least, physically express who we are). I wanted a reminder every time I looked in the mirror to keep on truckin' and doing shit no matter at what age or what my job might be. I hope to god the ritual reminders I perform do not become merely reminders of someone I used to be, but reminders telling me to continue being who I want to be.
Ah fuck it, you all know I'm getting this tongue ring because I live to give good head. Why do I even bother trying to be deep?


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