
Well folks, what the doctor reading out of his czech-english dictionary told me close to 2 years ago was correct "You not die"
Or rather, I not die. After a series of tests and 5 hours in the hospital today the doctors have finally assured me that my heart condition is not lethal. The chest pains I'm having are not a result of heart trouble, but more likely of some sort of pectoral muscle tension. The massive and constant irregular heartbeats are more of a concern and that will be dealt with after my Holter monitor. However, the doctor also assures me that these palpitations are not lethal and though they may cause discomfort, and on occasion fainting, they will not cause a heartattack or any heart malfunctions.
Basically, he freed me and he knew he was freeing me. He told me that I could go out and do whatever I wanted now (aside from stimulants of any kind, so the hypoglymic diet still holds) and know that whatever discomfort I was having wouldn't ever lead to anything nasty. I can't tell you how much of a release this is for me. When all these doctors have been unsure and some of them have thought I was close to death etc, it made me feel like every pain was going to be my last. This guy just said, "okay girl, you're fine so just tough it out!" Tough I can do.
If further tests show too much of an irregularity, which he believes they will (they always do), he might put me on betablockers, but I've been on those before and they're no biggie.
I'm free as a bird people, watch me soar.


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