
Ah well, one person blogged for me so I'm happy. Actually, Kanga always blogs so I am quite happy with her blog performance. Others have disappointed me - you know who you are (picture my seething gaze penetrating into the computer screen)

Okay, so I don't do seething all that well. I suppose it's not really all about me, nor would I want it to be. Way too much responsibility and I do not need more of that right now. I'll leave it to the pros :)

I am super excited about Kanga's solo performance and in fact I may have a slightly larger role than most in my own performance (still waiting to hear) so we are both divas, though as always Kanga's divaness supercedes my own :) There won't be many people in my dances either, which suits me just fine. Though I completely understand how a new dancer would be shaking in her leather boots - if someone had given me an entire solo performance in my first class I would have started throwing up on the spot. You shall prevail dear and I shall hold the bucket should the need arise. It will be one of the biggest highs you've ever gotten.


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