
Thanks to Chelsea, I've got toothpaste on my forehead right now. I've got to do something about the mother fucker on the right side as I do my campaign speech for the electorate tonight. Either the toothpaste workds or it will be another hat day.

Kanga would like me to come out of hibernation. Roo would like to come out of hibernation, but it doesn't look like it's going to happen any time soon. Ft. Lauderdale is Wednesday and I get back on Sunday. However, I just found out that Pickle's mom is coming down to stay with us next weekend (to see his play at the Walterdale which opens this week and everyone must go see. He is Christian in Cyrano de Bergerac - one of the leads Woo Hoo!) so I will be heading out to coffee shops to do my papers. If people care to distract me at said coffee shops for short stints, I would not be opposed. In fact, I would be quite grateful.

As well, I was going to change the sex party, but I don't think I will. It will remain April 3, I'm just going to ask her to host it a wee bit later so that Mom-in-law will be at the Cyrano while we look at sex toys. I was going to go see closing night of Cyrano, but 1. I don't have the cash and 2. It's pretty pointless as Pickle will be going right to the cast party afterwards and doesn't need to deal with girlfriends and such. Time would be better spent amongst ladies, looking at toys and giving backrubs ;)


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