
Well, the complemented boy has taken the complement (some pleasant emailing resolved everything) and there are still a few waves passing through the ol' tum, but the churning storm has passed.

Today I will get a lot of work done. I have no choice therefore procrastination cannot loom its ugly head. Well...maybe just a little.

After all my work on body image and self-confidence I have been reduced to a quivering mass of insecurity by a pimple. Several large and painful pimples actually. I have to laugh at myself - no man, woman, magazine can make me feel bad about my appearance, but some red marks on my forehead and I refuse to leave the house.

Probably a good thing really, since I need to get shit done. Still, I've obviously got some acne issues left over from high school. Remind me to deal with this when I have more time on my hands. Spain seems like the perfect place to mull over old zit trauma...


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