
What's this? Kanga has posted a meme to distract me from my thesis? Well I shan't fall for her temptress ways...oh wait a minute, yes I shall.

Here's me using "new" blogger now as the bastards won't let me stick with what wasn't broke.

6 weird things about me (probably harder if I were to try and describe 6 non-weird things about me). If anyone thinks this is TMI, blame Kanga :)

1. I don't just have a fear of moths, I actually think they are spawns of Satan. The Devil's Minions. Beelzebub's Evildoers. Their only purpose here on earth is to quietly invade with their harmless ways and then take over. I don't know why everyone else can't hear the shady deals they cover with that incredibly scary wingflapping noise they make as they hit the lights.

2. I have a secret, never before revealed, belief that all public washrooms (toilets, WCs, bathrooms, restrooms) are bugged with cameras. It's not necessarily that I think the establishments bug them, but that some fetishist(s) is filming us all for his own pleasure. Part of me thinks this is gross, the other part of me thinks there is no real harm in it. It does create a certain performance anxiety when I have to go #2 though, so I try to avoid that particular activity in public toilets. I really have no clue why my brain has created this neurosis.

3. I love change and all the joy it brings, and yet when it is forced upon me, such as this whole old and new blogger thing, I rebel against it to the point of ridiculousness. But really I have no issues with people telling me what to do. None at all. Absolutely none. Nope.

4. I like doing stuff that I'm not very good at. It's why I still like belly dancing. I've never been very good at physical stuff, grace and the like, and so I know I will constantly find belly dancing a challenge. The fact that I know I will never be the best at it is why I love it so much.

5. I am a recyling, fresh food loving, organic toothpaste using, natural fibers wearing, cosmetics-free gal who loves eating at MacDonald's more than life itself. Oh, I should clarify that I do wear cosmetics to perform, just not on a daily basis, just in case someone wanted to call me on that.

6. A big roman nose on a man is my biggest turn on. See here. Can't you just picture that lovely nose softly nuzzling your neck as a prelude to lips reaching your skin and leaving a trail of kisses?
Okay then, I'm off to...why be coy? I'm off to masturbate.


Blogger daisies said...

oh the guilt i feel for distracting you from your thesis, hmmmmmm ... not so much 'cause i love your list and yes moths are the spawns of satan i am sure (shiver)

i see you also left out some of the naughty bits ;-)

12:39 p.m.  
Blogger tania said...

i know! i haven't really talked about sex or naughty bits in a post in ages! I'd better perv it up again soon or i'm gonna lose my pervert street cred.

5:35 p.m.  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't know anyone who would argue with your pervy street cred.

Bella Sook Gato, the best furline ever, eats moths. I've seen her jump 5 feet straight up to catch one. It is a sight to behold. I forget sometimes that she was a street kitty and has many talents. Watching her hunt moths is better then telly and much better than a thesis. Come by this spring and you can see her in action. But only once you have a chapter done.

6:02 p.m.  
Blogger tania said...

thank you for the offer of watching The MothKilling 2007! i'm actually making some headway with the thesis, so ...

and carnieboy, would you just stop that! peter is married and as soon as he meets me he will divorce his wife and give her a generous settlement because he is a good man, and live out his days stroking my clitoris with his nose.

11:59 p.m.  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You like Roman noses?

2:40 a.m.  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I always check public loo's for mini cameras, so dont worry you are not alone with that belief. Also if i go out knickerless I am paranoid about someone having a videocamera in their bag, putting the bag near me and videoing up my skirt.
love Marie xxxxx

9:18 a.m.  
Blogger daisies said...

so i'm in a public washroom and suddenly i notice how many places there are to put a hidden camera ... uh yeah ... i think i've suddenly developed a whole new neurosis ... eep!

9:38 a.m.  
Blogger Julie said...

I have the same belief about washrooms. Does not really bug me though, I guess it should ?????. poor creature would fast forward thru my section I am sure.


6:27 p.m.  

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