
To Kirtles, thank you for making me laugh with this entry for the "describe a french kiss with tongues" challenge (note this is after I had said that perhaps it's so hard to describe well because "tongue" is not a sexy word):

Their two tongues touched in a warm, wet tango of tonguiness. In their separate yet united mouths a bilingual party of lunging, licking, and lapping exploration of taste buds, tonsils, and teeth. Tongue. Tongue. Tongue. Meanwhile, the French are perplexed and indignant, as usual, but perhaps with good reason

"Bilingual Party" is going be my new way of saying "french kiss"

The move to the new house has gone well, though I still have much cleaning to do at the old place. And though I have a whole month to clean it, I'm one of those people who will be over there on January 29th, cleaning furiously because it's not done yet. Unless there is the proverbial fire under my ass, that ass is just going to remain seated thank you very much.

Which would explain the slow going on this damn thesis. I have a supervisor now who seems to understand things - he actually said "academia just isn't what you want to do is it?" and I said "very perceptive of you" and so he said "then who cares? just get the thing done, it doesn't have to be perfect" and it made so much sense to me. I love academia, I love learning, I love reading, I love discussions and thinking. But I think I may be a person who enjoys doing things, rather than reading about other people doing things and analyzing what they've done. I love my academic friends, but have noticed that some of them have never lived a day in the real world and sometimes that just irks me. This from a girl who likes to spend entire years in daydream. My hypocracy knows no bounds.

And there's so much to do right now, I'm trying to set my troupe up, we're holding a Gothic Fusion workshop in March, I'm stage-managing the Gyspy Caravan show that VibeTribe is bringing up in April, I've got all this practicing to do. There are classes to organize, there is the learning of how to write grants for non-profits and how to write business plans for the school we hope to open up. And yet more practice of the dance.

And I get so excited when I think about it and spend all day watching videos of dancing and working out moves and emailing to the groupe about organizational stuff and then I sit down to write the thesis and all the energy seems to go "poof!" I've been given time off for the next two months (barely working at the bookstore) and I'm supposed to use it to finish this damn thing, but...I don't wanna!

Okay, I will get off my ass at this computer and go sit on my ass at a non-internety computer elsewhere. I can do this, I am doing this, I WILL DO THIS!

Hmmm...still here. Dammit. Oh well, better go see what YouTube has to offer.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

NO! Then I get distracted by YouTube... this is why I'm presenting my thesis - to get a fire lit. If it weren't so damn cold, I'd say you're welcome to come by here to work. I won't allow you any bilingual parties till you have two pages done each day.

10:16 p.m.  
Blogger tania said...

do they have to be two _good_ pages?

10:57 p.m.  
Blogger Inconsequential said...

"Bilingual Party" is very good :)
might adopt that one too!

as for the cleaning thing....I can see you spending the night before they arrive doing it (and the cleaning)...that's what happened when we moved :)

12:24 a.m.  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, they can't be you writing "all work and no play makes Tania a randy wench" over and over again, but they don't have to be perfect either... Just think, at two pages a day your thesis could be done BY SUMMER and if you already have a bunch written you could go into the solstice as a fresh, thesis free, start.

10:35 a.m.  
Blogger Becca said...

I work on a reward system--"Okay, Becs, if you read ONE MORE CHAPTER,you can each a chcoclate. Or take the dog to the beach. Or watch and episode of Battlestar Gallactica." Works well for me. Just use a Bilingual Party as your own personal reward. One solid page of thesis goodness = 5 minutes of tonguey tonguiness.
(I live, right? You think I live?!)

9:59 a.m.  

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