
Life is insane until Monday, when I shall happily return to blogging banal bits of benevolent and not-so-benevolent bites of my life.

Until then, I went to elementary school with this totally cool chick, Nikko Snyder, who I googled a few years back and found she was still totally cool doing this mag called GoodGirl. Looks like that went under, but she's now doing Briarpatch and this was sent out for all ye who want to submit to it.

Call for submissions: Briarpatch tackles the politics of gender at Briarpatch

Briarpatch magazine invites contributions to our March/April 2007 issue focusing on the politics of gender. We are looking for feature articles, op-eds, investigative reports, news briefs, interviews, profiles, reviews, poetry, and artwork that explore how gender intersects with other social issues and affects the lives of individuals and of society.

Particular attention will be given to new and emerging trends in the struggles of women and men for gender justice (or against gender hierarchy and gender essentialism, depending on how you want to frame the struggle). What is new? What is changing? Who are the individuals and organizations at the leading edge of current feminist or GLBT work at home and internationally? What are the causes for hope and celebration? for fear and loathing? What emerging trends are not being adequately addressed by the mainstream media?

Possible topics could include (but are by no means limited to): fundamentalism/neo-conservatism and feminism; the resurrection of the same-sex marriage debate; the recent budget cuts to Status of Women Canada; the fight for universal childcare; the future of anti-patriarchy, feminist, or GLBT activism; reproductive rights; domestic violence; stay-at-home parenting and domestic divisions of labour; media representations of gender and sexuality; international gender struggles for justice; and any other issues deserving increased popular attention.

First drafts are due by Friday January 19, 2007. Unsolicited submissions are welcome, but we encourage you to first send us a query. Your query should outline what ground your contribution will cover, give an estimated word count, and indicate your relevant experience or background in writing about the issue. Queries should be received by January 3, 2007.

We also welcome suggestions of relevant recent books/music/films to review in this issue, and welcome reviewers of the same. We also welcome questions about the breadth/depth/orientation of our gender analysis from prospective contributors.

For more information please see our submission guidelines here, consult our favourite editing schema at geist, and, if you need further info, drop us a line.

Though our eternally cash-strapped status greatly limits our ability to pay contributors, some funding will be set aside for honoraria for contributors to this issue.

Email your queries and submissions to this issue's editorial collective, care of editor@briarpatchmagazine.com, or mail to:

Briarpatch Magazine
2138 McIntyre St.
Regina, SK
S4P 2R7

Electronic submissions are preferred. Please include contact info and a short (1-2 sentence) bio of yourself. We reserve the right to edit your work (but will make a point of running substantial edits past you first), and cannot guarantee publication.


Blogger Julie said...

Wow.... I got lost in the description of articles needed. My brain is not what it used to be.

I will leave that stuff for you smart people and stick to what I know best these days - prefectly cooked grilled cheese sandwhiches.
With ketchup on the side of course.


1:56 p.m.  

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