
Little Miss Sunshine - an american feelgood film that actually made me feel good. Yes people, I finally got to see it. The saga begins months ago when I received not one but two free tickets at two different times to advanced screenings and had to turn them down because I had dance class. Once it hits the theatres officially, I dance muchly and can't go. I finally make it to see the movie a few weeks ago and my date actually passes out cold within the first five minutes (the second date to pass out on me in two years) which required me having to wake him and then leave the theatre to take care of him. Finally my friend Nat, who has already seen the movie twice, says it's just too much of a crime that I haven't seen it and takes me to it, and we have to change seats three times because jackasses keep sitting in front of us. But once the movie started it was totally worth all of it, that last scene had me crying with laughter and I just love movies where everyone in the audience claps at the end. To feel like you have to express appreciation even though there is no one to express it to is quite lovely.

The grandpa character tells his little granddaughter Olive that losers are the people who are so afraid of losing that they don't try (after telling her that he's madly in love with her and it's not because of her personality or her brains - something a girl needs to hear now and again, I think), and yesterday I witnessed the bestest trying I've ever seen. One of my best friends has a boyfriend that I have judged pretty harshly in the past. He's not an evil guy, but he's pretty damn dumb and possessive and paranoid and the redneck to end all rednecks and they have completely different ideas of what a relationship is. But it's gotten through his thick skull that if he doesn't change, he's going to lose her. So he started trying. And for the last month, I've been astounded at his efforts: the phone calls have been reduced to half (which is still way too much but it's an improvement), the implications that she's cheating on him also reduced by half, and he has realized that belly dance is her life and made it his quest to help her as much as he can with that. She's had some enforced stress leave the last few days and he took days off to be with her (lives out of town) and has taken her around to fabric stores and craft stores looking for new costume pieces. Yesterday she and I came home after dance class (from 9am-1:00pm) and we hear this noise coming from her apartment. We walk in and there he is, all approx. 400lbs of his rigworking redneck ass, sewing at the kitchen table. He went out in the morning and bought a sewing machine and by the time we got there he was almost finished a truly kickass gothic tribal belt for her. I am almost physically incapable of crying in public, but damn I had to leave quickly and get home as fast as possible so I could have myself a good wee cry about this. He may be a boy of little brain, but he is a boy of huge heart and I hope that's enough to make him a better man.


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