
Okay, not quite ready to blog about the busy weekend, and my AMAZING time at this December's Isis recital yet, other than to say that I am thankfully in possession of my skin as Anemone, in an unprecedented and unpredicted move, did not flay me alive for doing a surprise gothic choreo at her show. Surprises are fun!

Something that I did want to write about was just to warn you that I have decided that I am officially not a nice blogger. Kanga got this cute little badge on her blog, declaring herself to be a kind blogger. It's pretty much just saying that you won't hurt people on your blog and that you'll try and add a little brightness to the world with your blog.

After not very much thought:
Is this an extremely beautiful and commendable thing? Yes.
Is it me? No.

It was funny, because I had this desire to get the badge for my blog because the sentiment is nice and the little flower badge is pretty. But it made me think about my blog and my intentions for it - it's for me and me alone and I'm so happy that people read it and share with me, but frankly it's a place for me to be self-centered (sorry, another place for me to be self-centered, there are many in my life). I rant here, I whinge here, I love here, I laugh here, in short, I talk about me and me isn't always kind. Nor is me always grammatically correct. Plus, I have links to stories where people intentionally hurt eachother in the throes of passion, which brightens my day but might not brighten others'.

It's not to say that I'm a morbid bitch who hates everyone, just that I really can't make the guarantee of kindness. It's not the most pleasant thing to realize about myself, but I won't be signing a kindness contract any time soon.

Oh and some of the Wee Yin's are up - check out the blog link if you so choose.


Blogger Pixie said...

Does the fact that the character's name is Wee-Yin necessarily mean it must be written in that horribly wee font? Maybe it's just my computer but oh god, the pain in my eyes from trying to focus!

1:54 p.m.  
Blogger daisies said...

:) i think the kind of stories where hurt is in pleasure is not out of the realm of kindness dear, lol ...

there is a lot of mean (and i do mean nasty) people out there who comment their nastiness on others blogs and who go out of their way to cream others on their blog ~ you are not like that at all and i am as self-centered as they come, this is still in keeping with the kind blog intention ...

personally, and i have read each and every post on this here blog (wow!! that's years worth, crazy), i don't think you have written anything that is meant to intentionally hurt anyone and i always leave your blog with my day brightened just a wee bit :)

and damn ~ i so wanted to come and watch the isis bellydance / i really need to keep up with things more, sigh ... i missed your gothic choreo :(

1:58 p.m.  
Blogger tania said...

Okay so I've changed the layout for the Wee Yin - Mr. Paul and I are not at all similar in our tastes so their has been some argument happening :)

I didn't mention the Isis show here as I was pretty nervous about it, but I suppose I should have posted something in case people wanted to come. A sheepish apology.

And I'm glad you don't consider the blog too mean Kanga, and isn't it crazy that we've each been reading eachothers for the last 3 YEARS!

11:17 a.m.  

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