
Two more entries in my challenge of describing a french kiss (with the word tongue in it). I like the story of the first one, but I think the actual tongue action is better in the second. The two authors shall remain anonymous unless they tell me otherwise.

"I can't fuck you" he says "I won't".
"So come in and don't fuck me" She grabs him by the belt and pulls him through the door. She stops short and he runs into her. She laughs and turns. The hallway is dark and mostly it's just the shape of her. Their mouths meet; her lips tasting lightly of fruit and her mouth of whisky.Her tongue, twinning to his, a warm touch and slide as the two brush. The very tip of his tongue traces the inner line of her lips,the bottom edge of her front teeth, and then the tip and the sides of her tongue.
She presses forward and then pulls back and grinning says "don't fuck me".
"I won't fuck you" he says again and reels with the want coursing
through his body. He half falls against the wall and then grabs her by the back of the neck and kisses her again, hard. She has one leg around him and a hand on his hip as she pulls and bites the side of his mouth and she tastes him again, her tongue on his.
"I have to go" he says.
"So go" she says.
"I have to go". He grabs her again and kisses her and then pushes her away.
He looks at her and he's about to say something but then doesn't.
He bolts out the door and halfway to his car screams "fuck" into the night air.


Their lips met, tentatively at first, and her breath caught with desire for the first time in so many years. Her walls fell slowly away as they kissed, hesitant like teenagers, though she could feel an adult's hunger trembling below the surface. When their tongues touched she felt a stab of wet heat between her legs- had kissing a man ever been like this? Every brush of her lover's tongue across hers brought with it an inescapable wave of image and sensation, lips and labia tingling as one while they explored taste and touch and the first awakenings of passion.
That song that says 'it was only a kiss' must be a man's song, she thought, for truly women make love with their tongues...


Blogger daisies said...

: ) very nice!!

9:46 a.m.  

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