
This week has been a learning experience. I've been trying to find the in between, the middle ground.
This has always been a problem in my life. I think I've learned my lesson about something so what do I do? The next time I'm in a similar situation I do the exact opposite and guess what? That doesn't seem to be the answer either.

I've either been an A student (rarely) or failing half my classes. I've either been with guys who would make Professor Frink (simpsons) look like a wild and crazy party animal, or I've gone with those who want to rival Keith Richards. I've either worked myself to the point of heart failure (hey, in my defense that's only happened twice :), or I've sat on my ass until I've gotten bed sores (a more common occurence).

I'm getting a little wiser about these decisions. Pickle is a nice in between kind of guy, though he is tempted by a life of coke and whores but that's really my fault for putting the idea in his head in the first place.

School and work on the other hand is still out of control. I went nuts last term. I got straight A's (everyone breathe a sigh of relief), but I went nuts. I'm in a bit of a burn out phase and feel I must seek counselling. You see, I don't want all the lessons I learned about paper writing and graduate school politics to not get used because I'm too burnt out to do anything anymore. So this term will be about getting good grades, but perhaps not trying to be the uber student who gets straight A's and heads every committee known to man. This girl needs to go dancing, she needs to make some new friends and go out with them, she needs to go out with old friends, she needs to go out for coffees (well...steamed milk). She needs to go on dates with her boyfriend. She needs to find time to write, lest her blog go sadly neglected as it did last term.

We'll see how this goes. I've agreed with myself to only do a minimum amount of work this week, and thus far that has not been a problem. I've read some of Pickle's plays, which I've been neglecting for far too long. He's a very talented boy and I didn't even have time to support him last term. Talk about priorities going out the window. I've watched some Simpsons, read some Terry Pratchett (which is actually kind of school work because I plan to do a paper on him this term, but still!). And I shmoked a little (another thing this girl needs to do more of) and watched my first ever episodes of The Sopranos with Kanga last night. I was quite pleased. It's amazing how all Italian families are that disfunctional - it's no wonder we make such good fodder for movies and tv shows. My mother is constantly shocked that she has managed to survive being married to one for so long. I'm constantly shocked that I'm not more fucked up than I am.

Oh and I saw two lovely movies! The Barbarian Invasions, which I positively loved! and 21 grams, which was also extremely well done though I preferred the first of the two. But between Amores Perros and 21 grams, that director is impressing me.

Anyhoo, enough about my boring life. Hope you all had a good weekend.


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