
The Good and the Ugly:

Criteria by Timothy Mooney was fabulous. The idea behind the plot is not entirely original (gee what will the US turn into in the future? let's discuss this more), but the script is great, it's funny and reasonably thought provoking without being too heavy handed about anything. But what really makes this show is the acting, this performance ranks among the best I've seen at Fringe in my 3 years of going. Mr. Mooney has the voice, the presence, the commitment, and the comic timing, that any actor would kill for. Not to mention the package, there's a scene where he's in his underwear and um...impressive. But I digress. I was on the edge of my seat just waiting to hear what that amazing voice would say next, it was superb. Seriously folks, it's wholly worth the cash to go see this one.

At the End of All Things...well if you can't say anything nice than don't say anything at all so here's me saying bupkis.


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