
RAB is busking at fringe. Busking times are not set, so times are approximate. Come see us:

Sunday Aug 20 sometime between 2:00pm-4:00pm
Tuesday Aug 22 sometime between 6:00pm-8:00pm
Wednesday Aug 23 sometime between 6:00pm-8:00pm
Friday Aug 25 sometime between 6:00pm-8:00pm

Fringe is here again! So excited as per usual. Plus I actually get a few days off this year so I can see some plays. Got myself a frequent fringer pass and everything. Plus the busking, which will be cool, though the getting up at 4:00am today to get in line for a busking pass and then heading off for an 8-hour workday was something I'd like to avoid for at least another year.

Went to see Twisted Thing by Jon Stewart tonight. I may have some spoilers in here, so read on with caution. I love this kid as an actor, and as a writer, he's amazing. His play Little Room that he did two years ago still ranks as one of the most emotionally raw and honest things I've ever seen. Twisted Thing is lacking in comparison, the acting (other than Mr. Stewart's) leaves something to be desired and the writing is a little...well it's cool but didn't quite work. Love the idea though. My take is that it's about how sometimes, and for some people, twisted things are really the things that make us happy and that we can only really be content once we learn to accept that. I dig that.

Though it wasn't the best play I've seen, the message hit home in more ways than one. The main character has a cat, her twisted thing, that she twisted and that now twists her back and she's all emotionally unavailable, and it's a big animal/pet metaphore for boyfriends. But the thing is, I have Katie, my own sweet, sick, twisted little cat and it's not a metaphore. It didn't help that Jon, who is a phenomenal actor, played the cat (named Freak). Katie is sick and twisted and I've been sick and twisted and though we've both hindered each other's health, we also need each other to survive. As Freak is complaining to his master that they're going to get kicked out of the apartment, I'm almost bawling as I'm reminded of Katie mewing that I better start caring about shit and cleaning the place up else we'd get kicked out too. Mewing even though she created most of the mess, dang her. And the times when I feel happiest are when she's feeling okay and we fall asleep together and it's lovely because we've earned that peace together and it's precious because it doesn't happen very often. This all may sound overly dramatic, but hey, I am italian here and large with the hand gestures and the melodrama.

Or perhaps it's just the whole been up and on the go since 4:00am thing. I'm a little overwrought.

Happy Fringing!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey - where are you going to be busking? Does it change? We wandered around for a while but didn't find you, alhtough there were some minor distractions.

4:29 p.m.  

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